As the pandemic drags on longer than any of us ever thought possible, the Pangea team, like the rest of world, have tried to keep our spirits up, try new things and move forward. We have spent this “non-travel” time improving the governance, administrative and strategic direction of our organisation, strengthening our fundraising base and creating the digital teaching resources that will almost certainly form part of our program for the future. Our website has been updated and you should check it out for some of our great, free digital content (more to be added soon). We have kept in touch with our partners in Malawi and Zimbabwe, who also continue to be ravaged by COVID. The effects on low and middle income countries is significant with lack of access to care and difficulties with social distancing and stay-at-home policies due to social and economic factors. However, we have also heard of fantastic innovative work that is being done by our partners. We hope to have a digital program with them in early 2022 and in person program in August/September (fingers crossed!). We have also made new partnerships and hope to be able to offer virtual reality educational tools in the future, assist with education of biomedical engineers and contribute to the production of a textbook for neurosurgical nurses with a focus on low and middle income countries. We hope you are all vaccinated, staying safe and looking forward to a better 2022! Prof Kate Drummond AM Chair Pangea Global Health Education