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Pangea Foundation

Pangea Global Health Education is proud to announce the Pangea Foundation. This is a great opportunity to partner with us and contribute to our ongoing work in Malawi. Click the link below to find out more and partner with us in providing the most effective health education in the world. 

Pangea Events

In Loving Memory

Tony Bongiorno joined Pangea Global Health Education as a Director in November 2019. Pangea’s model of bringing lasting and meaningful change through education, with capacity building and “train the trainer” as basic tenets and personal connection with long-term relationships as basic mechanisms, resonated deeply within his life and work and as such, he was the perfect fit for our board. In this role, he was a highly valued member of the team, who had made strong personal connections with each board member.  Tony’s heart and passion for promoting the work of Pangea was evident from the start and he was able to use his brilliant mind, extensive network and personal connections for the advancement of our work. Tony was so good at engaging others in the causes close to his heart and we are forever thankful for his involvement in Pangea. As in all things in his life, he was fully immersed in Pangea’s mission, with a particular focus on fundraising, sustainability and governance. He was passionate about developing Pangea and was always generous with his time and encouragement. His death will leave a gaping hole in our organisation that will take more than one person to fill. 

We are a team of volunteer health care professionals who are dedicated to improving health outcomes on a global scale.

Our programs have a focus on small group teaching, where participants are able to ask questions and try new skills.

Work With Us

If you’re a health care professional wanting to share your skills in low-resource settings please get in touch.